The Pros and Cons of Ardmore

People frequently ask which neighborhood is the best in Winston-Salem. Answering that question is difficult because people have different needs, desires, likes, and dislikes. This pros and cons list seeks to address some of Ardmore’s advantages and disadvantages.

Ardmore is an eclectic and well-loved neighborhood in Winston-Salem. It has been undergoing much renovation and remodeling, increasing its desirability. Ardmore is book-ended by Wake Forest and Forsyth County Hospital, so many health care professionals choose to live here. It has become known as a close-knit society that hosts many community activities, making it an attractive place for families.


  • Centrally located between the two hospitals
  • Older homes with charm and character
  • Sidewalks and community parks
  • Homes tend to hold their value
  • Passionate and dog-friendly community


  • Teaching hospital attracts a more transient community of temporary residents
  • Homes may require updates and repairs
  • Heavy traffic on main roads
  • Homes are less affordable than they have been historically
  • Ardmore Facebook Page drama
Picture of Jeff Valentino
Jeff Valentino

Hi, it’s Jeff Valentino. In 2019 my 2 sons and I packed up and moved to Winston Salem from the suburbs of Chicago. We didn’t know one person here. I wished there was a resource for people like me who are considering a similar move, so I decided to make one!

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