UPDATED Pros and Cons of Living In Winston-Salem

About two years ago, I made a list (and a video, and a blog) about what I felt were the pros and cons of living in Winston-Salem. Now, about three years have passed since I packed up my boys and my life and moved here from the Chicago area, and I’ve decided to use my expanded experience here to update that list.


No Big City Experience

We aren’t too far from two bigger cities (Raleigh and Charlotte), but even those aren’t big cities of the Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles variety. I sometimes miss living minutes from Chicago and feeling that big-city vibe and energy.


Southern Hospitality/Quality of Life

I was skeptical when I first heard people talk about Southern hospitality, but it turns out it’s a real thing! For example, I was just at a home inspection for someone moving here from out of state, and that person was absolutely amazed by the kindness, respect, time, and attention the inspector showed her.

Additionally, things really do move a little more slowly here (but not enough to be annoying), and the difference in quality of life is palpable. The city prides itself on its slightly slower, more relaxed pace and makes efforts to maintain it as we grow.


It’s Spread Out

The Triad area’s population is about one million people, but to give you some perspective, the city of Chicago alone has almost three million people. So here, we have one-third as many people spread out over several different cities, meaning we’re all further away from each other. When I drive 20 minutes here, I cover 16 miles. In Chicago, I took 20 minutes to drive two to five miles. I’m putting a lot more mileage on my car out here!


Lots to Do

Winston-Salem has a surprising variety of things to do for a city of about 250,000 people. Just a few miles away, I can go for nature walks or bike rides. Or, I can spend time downtown in the art district and enjoy some wonderful local cuisine. Or, I can go for a 30-minute drive and end up in wine country or at Pilot Mountain for some great hiking. I can experience live theater, the cinema, or the symphony. Whatever you’re into, you’ll find it here.


Winter Storm Panic

I thought the locals’ tendency to panic at every snowflake was cute at first, but I don’t anymore. If you hear on the forecast that we’re supposed to get an inch of snow, you’d better run to the store to buy milk and bread because the majority of the city’s population seems to think a skiff of snow will require them to hunker down for two months. Also, prepare for schools and businesses to close at the slightest sign of winter weather.


Overall Economy

I knew the cost of living here was lower than many places in the US, but I didn’t realize how well the economy does here overall. Even post-pandemic, Winston-Salem is the net job-growth leader in the Southeast. Some big companies, including Nature Made, are moving their headquarters here, and the businesses already here are expanding. The city (and the state for that matter) is very well-run, and they focus on growth with intention.


Second-City Complex

I feel like sometimes people who have lived here a long time think of Winston-Salem as Raleigh’s or Charlotte’s poor relation. I don’t know if it’s because we’re not as big or because not as many people have heard of us, but I’ve picked up on a little “Why Winston-Salem?” attitude here from time to time. I love it here, and I believe we should all appreciate what it is and what it has to offer.


A Ton of Upside

Let’s end on a positive note! Winston-Salem’s future is bright. We are growing at a steady rate of about three to six percent every year, which is easy for our programs and infrastructure to keep up with and which makes our city more attractive, breeds more opportunity, and brings in more money. The city then reinvests the money back into our infrastructure and amenities, so the positive effects are cyclical.

For me, the pros of living in Winston-Salem far outweigh the cons. If you’re interested in taking a look for yourself, contact me!

Phone: (336) 837-5924

Email: jeff@govalentino.com

Picture of Jeff Valentino
Jeff Valentino

Hi, it’s Jeff Valentino. In 2019 my 2 sons and I packed up and moved to Winston Salem from the suburbs of Chicago. We didn’t know one person here. I wished there was a resource for people like me who are considering a similar move, so I decided to make one!

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