Winston-Salem’s Best Streets for Trick-Or-Treat

These are Winston-Salem’s top three streets for trick-or-treating, where you’re guaranteed to find haunted houses, lots of candy, and safe fun on Halloween!

S Hawthorne Road, Ardmore

Winston-Salem’s ULTIMATE street for treats on Halloween night is Hawthorne Road in Ardmore. Ardmore has made a name for itself during the spooky season. Some residents decorate more for Halloween than the holidays. The neighborhood’s cute cottages become haunted houses on October 31st, with cobwebs, massive spiders, graveyards, clowns, ghostly figures in the windows, smoke machines, lights, and scary giggly audio for added effect.

Homes are ready for trick-or-treaters by 5 p.m. on Halloween night, but the scary fun begins after dark. Trick-or-treaters swarm the neighborhood – Ardmore residents report madness, running out of 1,000 pieces of candy within less than two hours. By 8 p.m., less prepared residents have likely run out of candy and are either giving out granola bars or turning their porch lights off.

If you run with the masses in Ardmore on Halloween night, arrive early while candy bowls are still full. It’s fun to experience the bustle on Hawthorne Road, but if it’s overwhelming or you have younger kids, stroll down the side streets. Magnolia, Watson, and Fenimore are safe side roads with less traffic. Many homes decorate, and the residents are happy to greet your trick-or-treaters.

Huntscroft Lane, New Sherwood Forest

On Halloween, the ordinary street of Huntscroft Lane in New Sherwood Forest becomes ‘Haunts-croft.’ Dozens of homes put up extravagant Halloween displays, turning yards and porches into a Halloween journey.

The neighborhood is blocked to cars to ensure a safe night of trick-or-treating for the kids. If you plan to drive to Huntscroft for Halloween, park at the top of the neighborhood. Scope the area beforehand for a nearby place to park and walk.

Ryder Cup Lane, Salem Glen

Ryder Cup Lane in Salem Glen, a golf course neighborhood in Clemmons, is a happening street on Halloween night. Ryder Cup is known for the young families that like to get together and have a good time while raising children. On Halloween, many residents set up camp at the end of their driveways for the night so you don’t have to walk up every driveway. Sometimes, the residents even have treats for the parents!

On Halloween, you can drive down Ryder Cup, which is open to thru traffic. That said, it’s a better (and safer) experience if you park and walk. The neighborhood doesn’t typically allow street-side parking but makes exceptions on holidays like Halloween.

Other neighborhoods where you’re guaranteed to score giant candy bars and a safe night of trick-or-treating:

  • Brookberry Farm in Winston-Salem
  • Oak Valley in Advance
  • Waterford in Clemmons
Picture of Jeff Valentino
Jeff Valentino

Hi, it’s Jeff Valentino. In 2019 my 2 sons and I packed up and moved to Winston Salem from the suburbs of Chicago. We didn’t know one person here. I wished there was a resource for people like me who are considering a similar move, so I decided to make one!

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